IB Ultra Super Adhesive 5ml
Lasts 5 - 6 weeks
1-2 seconds dry time
Not recommended for sensitive clients
Ingredients: Ethyl cyanoacrylate, PMMA, Hydroquinone, Carbon Black
Color: Black
Size: 5 ml
Origin: Made in Korea
Adhesive Instructions:
Store your adhesive in a cool, dry place.
Keep your treatment room at 45-60% humidity and 70ยบ to stabilize the adhesive throughout application
Shake your adhesive before every use, for 1 minute
When dispensing adhesive, make sure bottle is completely upside-down (not at an angle) to limit air getting into the bottle. Let gravity dispense the drop
"Burp" the bottle after each use to release trapped air from the nozzle
Clean the tip of your bottle with a cotton-free sponge to avoid it sticking to the cap
Always keep the cap on your bottle to limit air exposure
For professional use only. Not for self-applications.