Holy Nude Clear Adhesive by Locks Lash 3ml
(Formerly called Flawless glue)
This is a low fume eyelash extension glue that's best for sensitive eyes and bonds effortlessly onto a natural eyelash. It is the best recommended Holy Nude eyelash extension glue for sensitive eyes lasting up to 3 to 5 weeks depending on application. Holy Nude Clear Glue is the first-ever clear adhesive that Locks Lash has ever created.
Key Information For Sensitive Eyelash Extension Glue:
Colour: Clear
Humidity range: 40-75%
Temperature: 19-25 ºC
Dry time: 1-3 second
Retention: 3-5 weeks (depending on application)
Fumes: Low fume
Glue nature: Sensitive glue that's recommended for sensitive eyes
Viscosity: Medium
Eyelash types: Perfect for both classic & volume lashing
Amount: 3ml
Make: Made in Korea
Storage Recommendations For Sensitive Eyelash Extension Glue:
Unopened: Under 20% humidity (the lower the better), 6-16ºC
Opened: Tightly sealed lid, in a bag with a silica packet (to reduce humidity levels) in a cool dark place. Opened glues should be discarded 1 month after being opened, possibly sooner depending on storage conditions.
This product is intended for professional use only.